Басты бет - Мұрағат - Механика және технологиялар - Механика және технологиялар 2021-1 - Using computer technologies to investigation and construction planar curves asymptotes

Using computer technologies to investigation and construction planar curves asymptotes

Author: N.А. Аbiev, A.K. Segizbaeva
Page 162-171


Abstract. Questions concerning the computer study of the existence of asymptotes of planar curves and their practical construction are considered. This need is due to routiness and laboriousness of manual computations and to automate the process. This problem especially concerns the case of an implicit equation of curves represented by high order polynomials. A modified version of the justification of the algorithm for constructing the asymptotes of a planar curves in the case of multiple roots of the leading term of such a polynomial is proposed. The algorithm is implemented as a computer program.

Keywords: planar curve, algebraic curve, polynomial of two variables, simple root, multiple root, asymptote.

Аbiev, N.А. Using computer technologies to investigation and construction planar curves asymptotes / N.А. Аbiev, A.K. Segizbaeva // Mechanics and Technologies / Scientific journal. – 2021. – No.1(71). – PP.162-171. https://doi.org/10.55956/GFMX2561