Главная - Архив - Механика и технологии - Жаңа номер - Механика және технологиялар - Механика және технологиялар 2023-3 - Justification of the technology of fire extinguishing materials based on ammonium phosphate
Justification of the technology of fire extinguishing materials based on ammonium phosphate
Abstract. In this paper, the justification of the technology of fire extinguishing materials based on ammonium phosphate is carried out, a justification for the production of fire extinguishing powder using MOSS technology with incoherent grinding of impurities has been developed and, accordingly, a block diagram is given. A technological scheme for the production of fire extinguishing powder materials crushed using the technology of isolated base mixtures has been developed, and information is provided on the technological calculations used in the scheme of basic and auxiliary means, as well as on the required material balance of 1 ton of fire suppressing powder according to this technology.
Keywords: Ammonium phosphate, fire extinguishing materials, mechanical processing, fire extinguishing powder.
Baymuratova Zh.A., Sadenova A.A., Serikbayeva A.M. Justification of the technology of fire extinguishing materials based on ammonium phosphate // Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2023. – No.3(81). – P.113-118. https://doi.org/10.55956/FSQL3987