Басты бет - Жаңа номер - Жаңа номер - Механика және технологиялар - Механика және технологиялар 2024-4 - Investigation of the slope angle influence on a drum with a mixed heat treatment mode on the dryer performance

Investigation of the slope angle influence on a drum with a mixed heat treatment mode on the dryer performance

Author: A.M. Baitureev, Zh.A. Yertaeva, A.T. Onlabekova
Page 336-342


Abstract. The article presents the results of an experimental study on drying raw cotton. As a result of experimental and pilot industrial tests, the possibility of concentrating the drying agent in the "Drop zone" of raw cotton, leading to improve work efficiency of the drum dryer has been proven. A criterion equation for calculating the technological parameters of the raw cotton drying process in drum dryers with a mixed heat treatment regime has been obtained. Within the process of studying the influence of the slope angle of the drum with a mixed heat treatment mode on the technological parameters of the drying process, the following was revealed, the rational slope angle drum towards loading is α=(-1)÷(-2°) at the speeds of the drying agent at the drum entrance is ϑin=1.98÷2.12 m/s. The same speed values, rational filling of the drum with material ensures optimal dryer performance.

Keywords: drum dryers; slope angle; speed, drying agent; productivity, stay period.

Baitureev A.M., Yertaeva Zh.A., Onlabekova A.T. Investigation of the slope angle influence on a drum with a mixed heat treatment mode on the dryer performance //Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.4(86). – P.336-342. https://doi.org/10.55956/UDJU2179