Басты бет - Жаңа номер - Жаңа номер - Механика және технологиялар - The introduction of kazakh language to the “Symptom checker” system

The introduction of kazakh language to the “Symptom checker” system

Author: Е.Е. Ashirbay
Page 101-107


Abstract. This article studies the introduction of Kazakh language to the medical decision system called “Symptomchecker”. As a solution, model of the medical decision system was recreated from medical support system ISABEL and was made by the methodology method. For selecting and showing the final diagnosis the dataset was translated from Russian language to Kazakh using Google Translate and the website: sozdik.kz. The aim of this research work is to create the medical support system for people with knowledge of Kazakh language who don’t know other languages. The system was created in Android Studio for mobile devices. The user is displayed with a nitty gritty list of all conceivable symptoms seen in most of the commonly seen maladies overseen by self-care.

Keywords: language, dataset, methodology, self-care, symptoms.

Ashirbay Е.Е. The introduction of Kazakh language to the “Symptom checker” system // Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2022. – No.2(76). – P.101-107. https://doi.org/10.55956/ASQR9485