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Overview of principles and methods of medical waste management and their application for database design
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of medical waste management and the need to create a scientific and methodological base for the development of a data collection mechanism related to their formation, collection, transportation and disposal. The introduction of digital technologies and the integration of data on all stages of medical waste management will create an effective management system. The main focus is on system, process and risk-based approaches, as well as data collection methods at various stages. The article focuses on the problems and prospects of implementing digital solutions and automating medical waste management processes. The article examines the database structure, key parameters and relationships, as well as data modeling with an emphasis on logical and physical structure.
Keywords: medical waste, methods, database, transportation, disposal.
Abduvalova A.D., Akhmetzhanova Sh.E., Eshmakhanova T.K. Overview of principles and methods of medical waste management and their application for database design // Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.3(85). – P.479-485. https://doi.org/10.55956/DIAF2678