Home - About the journal - Bulletin Dulaty University - Purpose and objectives

Purpose and objectives

The purpose of the journal " Dulaty University Bulletin " is to publish and disseminate among the domestic and foreign scientific community the results of relevant theoretical and experimental research work on the problems of modern technical science, natural science specialties, socially-humanitarian sciences, economic and environmental sciences, pedagogical sciences, philological sciences, legal sciences.

The mentioned purpose is achieved on the basis of the following main objectives:

- registration of the journal "Dulaty University Bulletin" in the Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Community Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and obtaining a certificate of registration as a periodical;

- inclusion of the journal in the international database of periodicals and obtaining ISSN;

- publication of new theoretical and experimental results of actual research by domestic and foreign scientists, specialists, undergraduates and doctoral students in the Kazakh and foreign languages;

- involvement in the journal’s editorial board activity and reviewing process of the articles Europe, Asia, America, Africa and Australia in the work of the editorial board of the Journal, Review of articles;;

- distribution of the journal in international information resources and in the Kazakh citation database;

- inclusion of the journal in the list of periodicals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Education and Science of the MES RK;

- ensuring the journal compliance with the requirements of the basic publishing standards GOST 7.5-98 “Journals, collections, information publications. Publishing design of published materials” and GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drawing up "and order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 170 (adopted on April 30, 2020);

- formation and support of the information transparency of the journal on the basis of website and its content updating;

- ensuring the online platform functioning for accepting submissions to the journal and their review;

- high-quality review of submissions with the involvement of recognized experts;

- regular coverage of the scientific activities of the authors-anniversaries of the journal.

The implementation of the above objectives will contribute to improving the image of the journal and the formation of its own place among modern scientific periodicals.