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Reviewer Guideline
Dear Reviewer!
In accordance with the editorial policy of the journal, all submissions received by the editors go through the "double blind" peer review process.
In the course of reviewing the manuscript, we ask you to evaluate its relevance, scientific novelty, the appropriateness of the chosen research methodology, the value and significance of the results obtained, as well as the quality of the presentation of the material. If there are comments and (or) recommendations on the manuscript content, they should also be reflected in the review. Please indicate in the review your decision of the article for publication or its rejection.
To submit a review, please find attached review form, which can be downloaded from the journal's website in the "To the Reviewers" section. The review must be signed by you and certified by the seal of the organization. No more than 10 days are given for reviewing the manuscript. Please send the electronic (scanned) version of the prepared review through the online submission system to the journal at the link http://journal.tarsu.kz. Reviewer Guidelines to use an online submission system are available on the journal's website in the "To the Reviewers" section.
We thank you for your labor and appreciate your authoritative opinion!