Editorial board

The Editorial Board of the journal "Dulaty University Bulletin":


Editor-in-Chief: Isabai Bekbasarov, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Dulati University


Editorial board members:

Full Name Academic degree, position


Allambergenova Perkhan Kudaibergenovna

Candidate of philological Sciences, Associate Professor

University of journalism and Mass Communications, Uzbekistan

Selami Fedakar

PhD doctor, Professor

Ege University, Turkey


Orhan Soylemez

PhD doctor, Professor

Kastamonu University, Turkey


Tortkulbaeva Tursynay Abdigazievna

PhD, associate professor

Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz, Karakalpakstan

Pablo Antonio Cano-Jiménez

Doctor of language and cultural education

University of Huelva, Spain

Hirsch index 1


Enver Kapagan


Karabyuk University, Turkey

R.S. Turysbek

Phil.science.the doctor., professor,

L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

H-index 5


S.O. Kulbarak

Phil.science.the doctor., professor,

Dulaty University

G. Tuyakbayev

Candidate of philological sciences, professor

Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University

H-index 2


Imanberdieva Saule Kurmanbaevna

Doctor of Philology

Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after S. Seifullin

H-index – 2


K. A. Tuleubayeva

candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,

University of Academician E. A. Buketova,

Hirsch index 3


Pedagogy-psychological sciences

Yelizova Elena Ivanovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Shadrinsky State Pedagogical University, Russia

Skorobogatova Natalia Vladimirovna

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Shadrinsky State Pedagogical University, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Work, Russia

Sulaimanova Rakhat Toktogulovna

PhD, Professor

Zhusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University, Kyrgyzstan


Fajkus Martin

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Tomas Bata University, Czech Republic

Siyka Chavdarova-Kostova


Sofia University, Republic of Bulgaria

Filyutina Tatyana Nikolaevna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Shadrinsky State Pedagogical University, Russia

Sh.T. Turdalieva

candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,Dulaty University

Julia Georgievna Doncheva

PhD, Associate Professor of the Angel Knchev University of Rusen (Bulgaria)

H-index 2


Economics and law direction

Oktay Kutay

Доктор PhD, профессор

Университет Кастамону, Турция

Mirzaev Shukhrat Shavkatovich

Кандидат юридических наук, доцент

Заместитель директора филиала Московского государственного университета имени М. В. Ломоносова в г. Ташкенте по духовно-просветительской работе и работе с молодежью, Узбекистан

Alexandros Kehagias


Афинский национальный технический университет, Греция

Z.T. Abdukarimova

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Dulaty University

A.B. Bekenova

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Dulaty University

Natural sciences and Technical Sciences

Tkachenko Igor Mikhailovich

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Polytechnic University of Valencia, School of Industrial Engineering, Spain

Matsumoto Koji

Doctor of Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Kyushu University, Japan

Vaidotas Kokanauskas

PhD, Professor (Physics-Mathematics)

Vilnius University, Lithuania

Krejci Ondrej

PhD Doctor (Chemistry and Biology)

Tomasz Bata University, Czech Republic

Martinek Pavel

PhD Doctor (Physics and IT)

Tomasz Bata University, Czech Republic

Daniel Davidson Snow

PhD (Technical Sciences)

University of Nebraska, USA

Editorial specialist: Ұ.Сәменқызы