Bessel equation and functions in computer mathematics system

Author: Yu.R. Krahmaleva
Page 426-439

Abstract. The relevance of technical issues of solving problems of mathematical physics is growing every year. The development of computer technologies leads to the use of modern methods for their solution. The application of analytical computing systems is considered as an effective method, which contributes to their productive implementation. The article deals with finding a general solution of the Bessel equation and equations leading to it in the Maple program, graphs of functions are plotted.

Keywords: special point, Bessel function of the 1st kind, Bessel equation, Bessel function of the 2nd kind, asymptotic behaviour.

Krahmaleva Yu.R. Bessel equation and functions in computer mathematics system // Mechanics and Technologies / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.2(84). – P.426-439.