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Research of the strength properties of nonwoven materials of sheep wool
Abstract. The work carried out physical and mechanical studies of nonwoven materials using universal tensile testing machine “Tinius Olsen H25S”. Nonwoven materials were produced at the enterprise of IE “Miras” (Taraz city). A mechanical needle punching method was used for the production of nonwoven fabric. This method is environmentally friendly, since adhesives or impregnation is not used in production, and the use of high temperatures at which harmful substances are released into the atmosphere is not provided. The following strength indicators of the nonwoven material were determined: the average value of the breaking load, strength and elongation at break along and across the edge of the nonwoven material. The studied nonwoven materials can be used in the footwear industry in the form of insoles, linings and insulating intermediate parts, as building insulation materials, as well as in products for various technical purposes. The production of nonwoven materials is low-cost, which ensures affordable prices for products made from them.
Keywords: nonwoven materials, strength properties, universal tensile testing machine.
Abzalbekuly B., Baidildayeva A., Yerdaulet Sh. Research of the strength properties of nonwoven materials of sheep wool // Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.1(83). – P.121-126. https://doi.org/10.55956/MOIS6608