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Mechanical properties of porous concrete during compression
Abstract. Results of the experimental studies of the force resistance and deformation of compressed elements from porous concrete of 1200-1600 kg/m3 density of various structural modifications (fine grain and micro grain) are presented. On the basis of research date, mechanical properties are complexly characterized; a criterion number of strength and deformation characteristics of porous concretes with due regard for the influence of longtime processes due to concrete hardening and external force factors is proposed. On the basis of data on the long-term resistance of porous concrete and change in its strength in time, calculation characteristics and coefficients of operation conditions of porous concrete are established for calculation and design of structures. It is shown that according to structural indicators, porous concretes meet normative requirements and occupy the intermediate place between cellular and light concretes of equal strength with porous fillers.
Keywords: porous concrete, mechanical properties, measure of creep, long-term strength, force resistance.
Novikov M.V. Mechanical properties of porous concrete during compression // Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.1(83). – P.90-99. https://doi.org/10.55956/AQZL1296