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The essence of the formation of research competence in the training of future teachers

Author: C. Mesquita

PhD, Professor, Polytechnic Institute of Braganza, Portugal
Page 65-71


Abstract. In the given article the theoretical basis of forming future teachers’ scientific-research competence is observed. The following notions as «Research», «competence», «research competence» are defined. The structure and types of competence in teachers’ scientific works are defined from the scientific theoretical point of view. The research questionnaire according to the future teachers’ scientific competence are held and it has been analyzed. The students’ skills in mastering the scientific competence are identified (set goals, search, plan, conduct research, analyze, summarize, conclude, draw up results). The opportunities are opened for students to master the scientific competence, combine theory and practice in their future professional pedagogical activities. The research object was to research the requirements for the specialists who master the scientific competence and modern education system. In forming the pedagogical professional basis the students’ scientific, creative, inquisitive, research competence are scientifically substantiated.

Keywords: competence, teacher, research, competence, knowledge, skills, formation.