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Overview of plant extracts from the flora of the Kazakhstan for dyeing and printing textile materials

Author: S.Sh. Sabyrkhanova, G.K. Yeldiyar, B. Abzalbekuly
Page 360-368


Abstract. The use of natural raw materials in the process of production and sale of textiles represents such a promising direction, which is based on the principles of environmental sustainability, innovation and quality. The results of research show that rare extracts have a potential for application in textile industry not only for painting, but also for application of unique properties and design of textile materials, as well as environmental improvement characteristic production of textiles, reduction of the average volume and increase the price of finished products in the eyes of buyers. Currently, attention is paid to environmentally friendly and sustainable methods of dyeing and printing textile materials. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, interest in dyes obtained from plant extracts for dyeing and printing textiles has become an urgent problem, as the preservation and efficient use of natural resources is a priority task. This work is aimed at analyzing the main types of flora of Kazakhstan, their characteristics, possible advantages and limitations, and at understanding the possibilities and prospects of using plant extracts in the textile industry, studying the potential.

Keywords: textiles, natural materials, functional properties, biodiversity, natural flora, synthetic materials.

Sabyrkhanova S.Sh., Yeldiyar G.K., Abzalbekuly B. Overview of plant extracts from the flora of the Kazakhstan for dyeing and printing textile materials // Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.2(84). – P.360-368. https://doi.org/10.55956/AITD1583