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Results of determining the nutritional composition of meat and bone meals intended for fodder mixture

Author: M.Kh. Baigeldiyeva1, Kh.A. Aubakirov2, M.D. Kenzhekhodzhaev3

1,2,3M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University, Taraz, Kazakhstan
Page 24-31


Abstract. The article discusses the utilization of livestock waste from slaughterhouses in the production of feed additives, suitable for broiler chickens, using highly nutritious food waste. The study presents results for moisture, protein, crude fat, and ash content in waste samples from various animals (foals, calves, and bone meal). Notably, the fat content was 9,6% in foal flour, 8,0% in calf flour, and 31,7% in bone meal. The research revealed that while a sample made from bone meal is high in fat (31,7%), the sample with the lowest amount of crude fat (8,0%) was from calf flour. These findings suggest the development of a new compound feed mixture, utilizing waste from agricultural animal slaughter, which is formulated to rapidly increase the weight of meat birds.

Keywords: feed mixture, by-product, foal embryo flour, calf flour, bone flour, feed fertility, protein content, crude fat content.

Baigeldiyeva M.Kh., Aubakirov Kh.A., Kenzhekhodzhaev M.D. Results of determining the nutritional composition of meat and bone meals intended for fodder mixture // Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.1(83). – P.24-31. https://doi.org/10.55956/APIE5798