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Purification of heavy metals contained in water with activated carbon and characterization of physico-chemical properties
Abstract. In this research work, we describe the synthesis of activated carbon adsorbents obtained from agricultural residues and their physicochemical properties. The resulting adsorbents are used to remove heavy metal ions contained in water. Currently, activated carbon is used in water purification, air and gas purification, as well as in many production facilities. Activated carbon obtained for removing heavy metal ions from water was made from cotton, apricot, buckwheat and pumpkin residues.
Keywords: adsorbent, activated carbon, heavy metal ions.
Serikbayeva A.M., Ushkempir A.S., Satkozhaeva E. B., Toktibayeva K.R. Purification of heavy metals contained in water with activated carbon and characterization of physicochemical properties // Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2023. – No.2(80). – P.142-151. https://doi.org/10.55956/AVCD9931