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Determination of the fine-grained component parameters of the soil mixture for the establishing of the elements of bulks earth dams

Автор: I. Bekbasarov, P. Poyta, K. Suienshbayeva
Бет 29-44


Abstract. Perform theoretical research, aimed at solving problems of determining the physical parameters of the components (fine and coarse earth) of soil mixtures intended for the construction of elements (thrust prisms, cores, depressions, screens, impervious devices) of bulk earth dams. In a new formulation the tasks have been solved in relation to two variants of the state of the soil mixture. As the first option, the case is considered when free water, air and gaseous substances take place in the pores of the fine earth, and the second option, when only water is in the pores of the fine earth. The received formulas, allowing to establish the volume and mass of fine powder and large amount of soil mixture. There are also formulas for determining the density of fine-grained and coarse-grained for the indication of two variants of soil mixtures. The formulas are recommended to be used at the stage of realization of the process of conditioning of soil mixtures, that is, to change the moisture, density and granulometric composition of their components. In this case, the formulas relating to the first variant state of soil mixtures, preferably used for their conditioning in quarries, reserves (warehouses) and transportation. The results of checking the formula for determining the density of a fine-grained component in a dry state are given. The novelty of the obtained solutions lies in the fact that, unlike existing methods, they take into account the presence of free water, air and gaseous substances in the composition of soil mixtures, which have a significant effect on the compaction of the mixtures.

Keywords: Soil mixture, fine earth, coarse earth, volume, mass, density.

Bekbasarov I., Poyta P., Suienshbayeva K. Determination of the fine-grained component parameters of the soil mixture for the establishing of the elements of bulks earth dams // Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2022. – No.4(78). – P.29-44. https://doi.org/10.55956/XHWO6756