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The effect of carbonate fillers on the properties of anhydrite binder and gypsum stone

Author: A.T. Kirghizbayev

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan
Page 24-27


Abstract. Technology of contact hardening composite materials based on substandard raw materials is presented. Production of anhydrite binder having relatively high strength in comparison with other types of gypsum binders is shown. The scope of application of anhydrite binder: plaster and masonry mortars, floor screeds, solutions for filling mine workings, decorative facing plates, architectural details, small-piece wall stones, dry mixes.

Keywords: anhydrite binder, mineral fillers, carbonate fillers of various chemical and mineral composition.

Kirghizbayev A.T. The effect of carbonate fillers on the properties of anhydrite binder and gypsum stone based on it// Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2023. – No.1(79). – P.24-27. https://doi.org/10.55956/NYIA5819