Главная - Текущий выпуск - Жаңа номер - Механика және технологиялар - Механика және технологиялар 2024-4 - Research of the operating mode of perforators
Research of the operating mode of perforators
Abstract. The article presents the main provisions of the Partial Wave Method for solving direct and inverse problems for systems of hyperbolic equations. As an example, the problem of determining the geometry of a hammer by the shape of the first wave of the pulse generated by the hammer in a homogeneous cylindrical rod is considered.
Keywords: hyperbolic differential equations, longitudinal impact, graph-analytical methods of solution, inverse problems, waves.
Myasnikov A.A. Research of the operating mode of perforators //Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.4(86). – P.482-488. https://doi.org/10.55956/HBEA9018