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Analysis of seismic loads impact on the main equipment of hydroelectric power plants

Author: S.V. Evdokimov

Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy, Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia
Page 182-185


Abstract. The paper analyzes the problem of seismic resistance of the main equipment of hydroelectric power plants, showing that the solution of this problem turns out to be much more complicated than previously imagined. The scenarios of hydroelectric power plant operation disruption in case of insufficient seismic resistance of its equipment are considered. It is concluded that exogenous and technogenic seismic events should be taken into account at the design stage when assessing geologic hazardous processes and phenomena at the site of HPP location.

Keywords: seismic resistance, hydroelectric power plants, hydroelectric power plant main equipment, foundation soils, exogenous seismic events, technogenic seismic events.

Evdokimov S.V. Analysis of seismic loads impact on the main equipment of hydroelectric power plants //Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.4(86). – P.182-185. https://doi.org/10.55956/AJKO9869