Главная - Текущий выпуск - Механика и технологии - Жаңа номер - Механика және технологиялар - Механика және технологиялар 2024-4 - Application of HACCP principles to ensure quality and safety in the production of spice and flavour compositions based on biologically active substances of plant raw materials

Application of HACCP principles to ensure quality and safety in the production of spice and flavour compositions based on biologically active substances of plant raw materials

Author: A.N. Serikbayeva1, A. Muratkhankyzy2, M.B. Aliyeva3, S.E. Ibraimova4, D. Abdikhanova5, G.Sh. Dzhumabekova6

1,2,3,4,5Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
6International University of engineering and technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Page 147-154


Abstract. The abstract of the research considers the need to develop effective systems of food quality and safety management in the conditions of rapid development of food industry technologies. Modern consumers strive for products with low calorie content, enriched with useful substances, which requires the creation of new spice and flavour compositions with high biological value. This study developed a HACCP plan model for a company producing spice and aroma compositions based on sprouted grains for first courses. Three critical control points (CCPs) were identified using a decision tree: the germination stage of the grain, the processing stage during germination and the packaging stage. For each CCP, control measures were identified and a detailed HACCP plan was developed to effectively manage biological, physical and chemical risks, ensuring consistent quality and safety of the final product. Thus, the application of HACCP principles in the production of spice and flavour compositions will significantly improve their safety and competitiveness in the modern market.

Keywords: HACCP, quality management system, spice and flavour compositions, critical control points, sprouted cereals.

Serikbayeva A.N., Muratkhankyzy A., Aliyeva M.B., Ibraimova S.E., Abdikhanova D., Dzhumabekova G.Sh. Application of HACCP principles to ensure quality and safety in the production of spice and flavour compositions based on biologically active substances of plant raw materials //Mechanics and Technology / Scientific journal. – 2024. – No.4(86). – P.147-154. https://doi.org/10.55956/ZCCL4005