Главная - Архив - Dulaty University хабаршысы - Жаңа номер - Dulaty University хабаршысы - Dulaty University хабаршысы 2024-1 - Attention, interest, desire and action model applied to education field through the image, question and answer methodology

Attention, interest, desire and action model applied to education field through the image, question and answer methodology

Author: P.A. Cano-Jiménez1, M. J. Hermosín-Mojeda2

1PhD, Lecturer, University of Huelva, Spain
2Lecturer, University of Huelva, Spain
Page 108-117


Abstract. This article presents the development and result of a reflection and study on the application of the method of attention, interest, desire and action in the teaching-learning process. It begins with a conceptualization and analysis of the current paradigm of education with the advances that neuroscience and constructivism have contributed to education in recent years. Next, the phases of the process are presented and described through the IQA methodology in the educational field. The results reflect the need to consider the emotional phases of students and the need to use methodologies that enhance meaningful, efficient and effective learning. It concludes with the reflections, contributions, and final considerations of this study.

Keywords: teaching-learning process, AIDA method, meaningful learning, IQA methodology, students' emotions, individualised teaching.